4 Effective B2B Marketing Automation Tactics


No longer the buzzword it used to be, digital marketing automation is still a very hot topic among experts in this field, precisely because of the results any brand can achieve by implementing automation best practices. With technology and innovation going hand in hand, delivering incredible solutions to marketing gurus all the time, automation has become simpler, and even more efficient than ever. In the B2B world, even more so, especially when it comes to streamlining finances, monitoring various KPIs, and ensuring effective communication.

If you are working in the B2B world, and you are in need of various time-savers and profit-boosters, look no further than automation tools and strategies that can help you save the day. Some of the following methods have been tried and tested by experts in the field of marketing, and you can introduce them into your own business operations with high hopes of better results in every aspect of your brand.

Better email campaigns

While some marketing experts might try to convince you that email is all but extinct, the increasing use of email automation proves the very opposite. In fact, emails still reign supreme as one of the best, most affordable and simple-to-implement strategies when it comes to reducing cart abandonment.

B2B marketing

It also enables brands to personalize their communication with users and utilize it as an effective way to introduce proactive customer service efforts. All in all, email still remains relevant, and with greater automation options at your disposal, it’s also far less complex to implement in larger companies.

However, unlike your notification emails that mostly remain in their template forms, automated emails aim to increase engagement with the customers. You can use a variety of “triggers”, such as a purchase to give them a coupon they can use when they refer you to a friend, or if you’d like to help them celebrate their birthday or another special date. The key to successful email campaigns, even when automated, is to keep them personal – that’s the final touch to bring in more loyalty to your brand!

Smart web solutions

Of course, your web and graphic design teams are indispensable in your organization. However, you can make better use of their time if you utilize smart web design and branding solutions. From implementing AI-based tools to deliver designs in a matter of moments as opposed to hours, all the way to smarter advertising, your digital presence is getting smarter, more seamless by the day.

Smart solutions can also improve your sales, ultimately helping you generate b2b leads. Sales chat is a perfect example of a B2B lead generation strategy that includes smart and practical use of technology. It is perfect for situations in which you don’t want to focus on creating new content but need a strong system for nurturing leads.

Another issue faced by modern business owners is the fact that there are literally thousands of web-based companies that tend to overburden social media with their poorly-targeted ads. Such an oversaturated, fast-growing market naturally embraces new automation trends, so many advertising agencies has creating tailor-made ads and implementing automation tactics to simplify the process. By working with experts in this realm, every brand can focus on more relevant aspects of their business, while your advertising campaigns are as streamlined as ever.

Implement dynamic content

The only way to make your email campaigns personal in a massive corporation that works with hundreds of customers (think: Amazon) is to put your marketing databases to good use. That means that everything you collect on customer behavior, on your website and social networks alike, including their shopping preferences, can be used by a smart content generator (enter: automation) to adapt and customize content (hence the term dynamic) for every individual user.

This, however, doesn’t apply strictly to emails, as you can use this to put the right offers in front of the right customer every time they visit your web store. Such simple methods help increase your chances of turning them into repeat buyers, not just visitors. Make sure that your website architecture allows such changes and that it can pull the data from your marketing database in order to make sense of the presented information for each customer that comes to your digital doorstep.

Reporting and data analysis

It’s expected that by 2022, the US alone will boast as many as 221 million users on their social media networks. That number alone is staggering enough to wonder what about all of those people in the international realm that your brand wants to get in touch with in case you’re a global company. Millions of users produce millions of pieces of information and their online behaviour impacts how your brand approaches them in the future. The bottom line is: you can no longer afford to use manual data collection and analysis procedures.

Not only does it leave too much room for human error, but it also leads to spending hours as well as assets you would otherwise use far better in a different setting. Instead, implementing automated data collection tools, and using software to analyse and create monthly reports will streamline this particular workflow, giving you more time to devote to more pressing matters in your business.

In time, automation will dominate the B2B realm even more than it does now, making it simpler for business owners to expand, run their day-to-day operations and focus on building relationships with their partners and clientele. Start your own automation journey with these must-try solutions, and you’ll soon start yearning for even more options that will help your business soar – keep your eyes peeled, the tech industry will not disappoint with further innovation in this respect.

Picture of Raul Harman

Raul Harman

My name is Raul, editor in chief at Technivorz blog. I have a lot to say about innovations in all aspects of digital technology and online marketing. You can find me on Twitter and Facebook.